Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

first love nu**

My first love ..

I met him in seeded kamanre sma country, and he used to at first I just had never occurred to me to like or even fall in love with her, even I and he could practically every day of fighting in the classroom, I and he happens to one class for one year I started there was close to him even to make friends very close, you could say I was and he was like a brother ... but he and I often also experience small events that make us a small fight, but in the end we will come back better ....
Less than 1 year of togetherness we found made us know each other and made me fall in love with him, but then I'd never reveal it, until finally he and I are very close and with no thought was that he apparently also kept feeling to me, and we finally special relationships which until now kujalin we hope our relationship with him remain immortal until death separates

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